Are you thinking of establishing your own web hosting business? Taking up a Reseller Hosting plan can be a blessing in disguise for you. As we all know setting up a web hosting company requires a user to invest huge amount of capital to buy and maintain servers required for web hosting. They also need to hire specially trained people to keep up these servers. To solve this problem web hosting companies have come up with an interesting solution. Web hosts have started offering Reseller Web hosting plans to its users. By signing up for a reseller plan a user gets large hosting space which he / she can further resell in small packs to others.
The best part about this business is that the reseller only acts as an intermediary between the main service provider and the end-user. All the technical support and assistance is provided by the main web hosting company. The reseller also does not have to appoint any staff to look after these servers as the main web host also goes ahead and performs this task.
Net4 India, which is a leading domain registrar and web hosting service provider, offers various types of Reseller Hosting plans to its customers. Net4’s reseller plans come with heavy discounts and offer its customers with the ability to set up their own hosting business.